Exhibiting architectural landscapes in Caffe Florian in Venice
Art enhances Architecture
Visual Art was inspired by Architecture and vice-versa.
Michelangelo’s works of art form a testimony, he created some of the most influential frescoes and sculptures in the history of Western art and also as an architect designed St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Others such as Antoni Gaudi and Le Corbusier have also interweaved Art and Architecture. How can we separate the artistic from the architectural elements of Gaudi’s highly-decorated Sagrada Familia, or Le Corbusier’s Notre Dame du Haut ?
Whether architecture is a form of art or not is highly disputed.
Jay A. Pritzker, founder of the architecture Pritzker Prize (considered the most prestigious prize in architecture – similar in status to the Nobel in other disciplines) said that "architecture is intended to transcend the simple need for shelter and security by becoming an expression of artistry."
Where does 'art' start in a building? This ambiguity is part of what makes the field of architecture challenging and exciting. Architects and designers have a deep connection and relationship to the trends that ripple through the world of art. By having access to engineering technology this can have a larger impact which in turn may translate to their architecture. Today “smart homes” are the focal point in the overall design trends moving towards a future when we can live better in all respects.
As a small architecture practice, we take our time to put great attention to all details, producing our own design proposals even for the smallest item and we add our expertise in art to all projects.